The Discovery Center convenience is the Christian Charity that upheld worldwide understudies in Bradford. They gave food and safe house to the understudies, it was a Christian-run convenience that was leaned toward by different understudies.

Klaudia Rogozinka and Borbala Benko otherwise known as Bori were likewise the understudies who were residing in the home along with Zbigniew Soj a 24-year understudy however Soj’s homicide carried confusion and disturbance to the Charity house.

Who Is Zbigniew Soj, 24? Bradford Man Stabbed Bori Benko, Facebook and Sentence Zbigniew Soj was an ordinary understudy who studied legislative issues at the University of Bradford in West Yorkshire. He was engaged with raising assets for the British Tinnitus Association.

Soj expressed that he created tinnitus a year prior where he felt pressure and ringing behind his ear which hampered his everyday work and understanding exercises. Soj ran 100km in Frosty February to raise assets for BTA.

Nonetheless, his great deed can’t legitimize the demonstration he has committed, the adolescent killed two young ladies who had their life in front of them like his.

To identify, he fiercely wounded Bori Benko with Vodka powered blade multiple times and charged and harmed Klaudia Rogozinka while they were in rest, he later turned his blade towards himself however was come by cops.

Soj later asserted that evil spirits got to him after police made up for lost time to him, while attempting to perpetrate self destruction however were come by the police, he confronted equity for the wrongdoings that he carried out.

Bradford Crown Court’s Jude Jonathan Rose condemned him to 31 years for the homicide and his 14-year sentence for the endeavored murder of Klaudia that he will serve parallelly.

The appointed authority comprehended that he was under pressure and sorrow and led no sexual wrongdoing with the body.

Moreover, both the cause house and its group of Boris were crippled, stunned, and disheartened by the end of a brilliant youngster who was liberal and aggressive in nature.

Zbigniew Soj Family, Why Did He Murder? Zbigniew Soj’s family has not been in touch with the press, they really do feel embarrassed and appeal to God for the spirit of the ones that their child had harmed. Soj’s family can’t wipe the slate clean with the wrongdoing that he carried out and show up for him during his preliminary.

Soj later expressed that his thought process was his interest, as he was interested about how it feels to kill somebody, as the interest got the better of him, he killed a lady with whom he shared the home and had procured their trust.

— Xenomorph (@PetenShirl) June 17, 2022

To explain, he approved of both of the ladies, as he hushed up about it though Bori was receptive, cordial, and very youthful as she was just 21 during her destruction.

Moreover, his casualty depict his assault to be ghastliness, savage, and stunning, she couldn’t grasp the situation as she was getting harmed while fighting off the assault Soj.

At last, he is moved to prison and given a base sentence on the record of his enduring of tinnitus, he is probably going to get required clinical benefit for his illness too.