Before the 21-year-old senior marketing major was shot to death in her vehicle on Sept. 16, Paul Rice let Individuals know that his daughter was waiting for a companion to shut everything down Baton Rouge bar so the companion wouldn’t have to leave alone — a testament to the kind of person she was.

“She was adored by everyone,” Paul tells Individuals. “She had no adversaries. Her companions had adored her, dearly.”

After parting ways with her companion, Paul says the pair drove off in inverse directions.

On her way back to her apartment, Allie was halted at a train crossing, when she was shot on numerous occasions by an unknown assailant in what he portrays as a random, attempted carjacking.

At the point when police thumped on his entryway at 4:45 a.m. that same morning, he says he realized something wasn’t correct.

“They continued to mention Allie’s name,” Paul recalls. “Finally, I asked, ‘Indeed, is Allie okay?’ And, that’s the point at which the policeman said, ‘No sir, she’s with the coroner, at the present time. She didn’t make it.’”

“My heart sank to my feet. I was in finished shock,” he says. Five days later and still next to himself, Paul did what no parent plans to do — he covered Allie in a Baton Rouge graveyard long before she at any point had a chance to sort out what she really wanted out of life, which was stopped at 21 years old.

She was toying with the idea of pursuing a career in social media, advertising or graphic plan after graduation.

“I don’t think she genuinely sorted out what her actual passions were, frankly,” Paul says. “She was one that it could change pretty often, however she was a passionate kid.”

The grieving dad says he will miss the times Allie made a special effort to invest energy with him and show her adoration.

“She’s the one that would come grab a blanket and twist up on the sofa with me and watch TV regardless of whether she had no interest whatsoever in what I was watching,” he recalls. ”

She would learn the music that I preferred, so she could sing it in the truck with me while we were traveling.”

“In the event that she didn’t hear from me two or three days, she’s calling me to tell me that she’s okay and making sure that I am.”

Paul also laughs about the “embarrassing” appearances Allie convinced him to make in her TikTok recordings.

“She wanted to do TikTok recordings and she would drag me into her recordings,” he adds. “Some of them were really embarrassing, yet she adored them.”

While the family waits for answers regarding who killed Allie, a vigil will be held Thursday at LSU in her honor.

In the meantime, local businesses have vowed a $50,000 reward to anyone who has information leading to the arrest and conviction of her executioner.

— Jstn – Official Antifa Carrier Pigeon (@JstnGreen1) September 21, 2022