Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, commonly known as Pablo Escobar, was a Colombian narco-psychological militant who at last controlled in excess of 80% of the cocaine promotion drugs shipped to the U.S. Escobar joined the cocaine exchange the mid 1970s. He teamed up with various hoodlums to lay out the Medellin Cartel.

Other than that, He acquired notoriety by supporting foundation ventures and soccer clubs. Nonetheless, his fame didn’t endure as he coordinated fear crusades that sired the homicide of thousands and turned popular assessment against him.

In 1975, drug merchant Fabio Restrepo was killed, and Escobar promptly snatched power and prospered Restrepo’s activity. In addition, in the wake of entering the universe of medications, he became answerable for killing numerous individuals, including government workers, columnists, lawmakers, and residents.

Escobar’s Better half and Girl In 1976, Escobar sealed the deal with 15-year-old Maria Victoria Henao. The couple was honored with two youngsters, a child, Juan Pablo, and a girl, Manuela.

Be that as it may, Pablo Escobar was an aardorless executioner, however to his significant other, he was only a caring spouse, and to his kids, he was a caring Dad to the world. While the world cheered the passing of Pablo Escobar, the druglord’s family, his better half, child, and girl mutely and hesitantly grieved.

As Colombian Police attacked Medellin and gatheredEscobar’ss cartel, Maria Victoria Henao and her two youngsters got together their lives and run away to Argentina. In addition, They changed their names. Maria Victoria Henao changed her name to Victoria Henao Vallejos or Maria Isabel Santos Caballero. Nonetheless, as of now, she frequently goes by Victoria Eugenia Henao.

Pablo Escobar’s youngsters likewise changed their names; Juan became Sebastian Marroquin, and Manuela became Juana Manuela Marroquin Santos. They have kept an exceptionally low profile since their FatFather’sath.

Maria and her child were delivered following 15 months because of inadequate evidence. In 2018, they were captured again for purportedly assisting street pharmacists with laundering cash.

A Thread

— (@Violettaonpoint) October 4, 2022

Notwithstanding, as of now, EscEscobar’sn is a powerful orator prevalently known as Sebastian Marroquin. Marroquin graduated in design and distributed a book entitled Pablo Escobar: My Dad in 2015. This book recounts the narrative of raising the world’s medication boss. He additionally affirms that his Dad was not killed; rather, he had ended it all.

In addition, discussing Escobar’s dEscobar’sshe has never discussed her Dad openly. And furthermore, she has cut all binds with the family. Right up to the present day, she is stowing away however she never perpetrated a wrongdoing. Starting today, Manuela Escobar is quite possibly of the most famous recluse on the planet. Starting around 1999, Pablo Escobar’s little girl had numerous disheartening episodes. She dreaded somebody pursuing her family members and searching for vengeance on them as a result of her Dad’s violations. She Father’s into a downturn. Manuela Escobar is 37 years of age, and it is not yet clear whether she will at any point end her quiet or even show her face in open once more.