According to sources, this particular case was said to have one of the biggest awards in San Antonio’s set of experiences. Eb Games had placed on a $100,000, $95,000 compensation for the people who might give data about the occurrence and the executioner.

What has been going on with Amber Belken? Golden Belken, a game head supervisor, was tracked down dead on January 29, 2007, at the rear of the foundation. The shop seemed to have been ransacked, and the occurrence started as a burglary.

She entered her store at around 9 AM on January 29, 2007, and was found dead at 2 PM when EB chiefs visited to figure out why she had not been picking up the telephone. At first, her family and, surprisingly, the police had associated the associate chief with Amber for killing her.

She was supposed to be disappointed with his work, and they could have done without one another much. Unintentionally, upon the arrival of the homicide, she was purportedly going to present a negative work survey of Brandon Beil.

Furthermore, her family and the investigators thought him as they suspected there was a potential reason for him to kill her. Notwithstanding, after a few court orders and declarations from different observers, he was liberated from doubt.

At last, after a significant delay, they got a lead for the situation when a previous store representative reached the police, saying he realized who was behind the killing. The U.S. Marshalls Service confined Geovany Rivera, age 23, who was on the rundown of the 15 most needed marshals, at a cousin’s home in Mexico.

He was likewise a previous representative of EB Games. As indicated by the one who tipped the authorities, Rivera had moved toward him the morning of the homicide and proposed that they ransack the business. Be that as it may, he had thought he was not kidding about it.

Dateline Presented The Murder Case Of The San Antonio Woman Amber Belken Golden Belken became one of the great profile cases in San Antonio. She was a well off white lady whose demise was dubious.

Dateline had highlighted the case in one of its episodes named, Everything She Knew”.The store she oversaw was looted, and she was seen as dead. After more than an extended time of her destruction, her family had the option to get equity as they faced the killer of their little girl in court.

He was Geovanny, who had escaped to Mexico subsequent to killing Belken. At the point when the authorities returned their hand on him and brought him once again to Texas, he was accused of homicide. He had entered the blameworthy supplication too.

At the point when her folks inquired as to why he killed her, he didn’t answer. Then again, his guard said he had not gone to kill anyone. He expected to burglarize and afterward move away.

When I was in High School I worked for EB Games around the time GameStop bought the company and took over. My manager was Amber Belken.

— Wulff (@Wulff87) June 7, 2022

He had lost his employment and required cash to take care of his loved ones. Nonetheless, Belken remembered him during the burglary, and he killed her out of dread. In any case, aim or not, he had taken a blameless life. He was sentenced and was supposed to be qualified for parole in 30 years.

What Was Amber Belken Age When She Died?- Her Parents Had Doubts On Her Employee Golden Belken was at 25 years old when she unfortunately died. She was killed in the EB games store where she functioned as a supervisor.

Her folks trusted that north of a year will get equity. She was their darling kid.

She was born on December 6, 1981, in San Antonio. She abandoned her folks, Randy L. Belken and Lelia D. Belken, and a sweetheart Fred Campbell.