Her homicide case was depicted in the Homicide Hunter: Never Give Up on August 17, 2022. Joe Kenda shared how the case had tormented him since he turned his firearm and identification. He had even affirmed in court when after Michael was gotten.


Who Was Darlene Krashoc Murderer? On March 17, 1987, two police found a young lady’s body in the back parking area of a shopping center close to a dumpster. It was five AM, and they were out on their normal watch when they viewed as her.

Her neck was wrapped by a wire holder, and she had a few injuries and indentations all around her body and blood on her nose and mouth. Her left eye likewise seemed, by all accounts, to be broken. She has experienced extreme wounds.

The officials realize that the wrongdoing was physically roused on the grounds that there were practically no garments on her body. She wore a watch and a ring and had dim jeans around her lower legs. Her left foot actually had a sock on it.

Afterward, they tracked down a driver’s permit and distinguished the casualty as Darlene Krashoc, an Army Specialist.

Regardless of a few examinations, police couldn’t track down the killer. They had three suspects, yet every one of them were precluded after no proof would interface their association with the case.

The case went cold for a long time, however at last, in 2019, they had a lead. With the assistance of hereditary lineage, they found a man named Michael Whyte, who was connected to the homicide.

Michael ended up being the killer of Darlene. He was in Colorado when Darlene was killed in 1987. He was 24 years of age around then and was positioned at Ft. Carson. Michael was all the while living in Colorado when police showed up at his home to make the capture.

Was Michael Whyte Arrested? Michael Whyte was captured following 32 years of carrying out the homicide. His association with the episode was found when the virus case group found out about hereditary parentage and scanned the DNA information bases for the suspect’s genealogical record.

Following nine months, they had a match. They found it was a far off cousin of Darlene named Michael. To affirm their doubt, a covert official followed him and gathered a disposed of cup for DNA testing. It was the match, and he was caught in 2019 at his home.

But now, a team of cold case cops uses Kenda’s groundwork to set a trap for a monster hiding in plain sight.

Join us tonight at 9/8c for #HomicideHunter: Never Give Up pic.twitter.com/ZWkLykeYzW

— Investigation Discovery (@DiscoveryID) August 17, 2022

He was 58 years of age when the police got him. The preliminary for Michael started in June 2021. He got a lifelong incarceration in the wake of being seen as at legitimate fault for first-degree murder. So it will not be until 2061 that he can apply for parole.

Update On Darlene Krashoc Murder Case Darlene Krashoc’s homicide case was depicted in the most recent episode of Homicide Hunter: Never Give Up. At long last, after north of thirty years of the homicide, Darlene’s family got the equity they had been sitting tight for.

Their little girl, who had needed to be in the Army since she was youthful, was severely tormented and killed in 1987. Her examination report reasoned that she had been physically mishandled and died because of ligature strangulation with the wire holder.

Despite the fact that her killer has been sentenced, nobody knows how both of them ran into each other that evening and the rationale behind the wrongdoing.