The police tracked down her dead body on January 11, yet they think she died four days sooner. Jason and Kerrie Struhs, Elizabeth’s folks, were captured recently as a component of the examination concerning Elizabeth’s demise. Jason is 50 and Kerrie is 46. Police likewise said that her folks held a “request custom” where up to 20 individuals from the extreme strict gathering played guitar and sang over her debilitated body as opposed to seeking her the treatment she really wanted. From that point onward, they didn’t call for help until around 5:30 am the following morning.

Police say that the 12 individuals who were all captured realized the kid was debilitated, were at the location, and never really assisted the youngster with getting clinical assistance. 9News said that the gathering had some awareness of Elizabeth’s confounded medical conditions and sickness, yet they actually didn’t give her the essential consideration she wanted. They believed that God would assist her with improving. Individuals in the clique referred to themselves as “The Saints,” and there were three families with youngsters in it.

The police additionally said that the guardians thought their little girl had “Worms” and that God had “100 percent guaranteed recuperating.” Along with the 12 clique individuals, the couple was likewise accused of one count of homicide, torment, and neglecting to give the necessities of life.

Jayde Struhs, Elizabeth’s more seasoned sister, left the religion when she was 16 in light of the fact that “the clique my folks are in depends on dread and control,” she said. From that point forward, she has vowed to deal with her five more youthful kin who are under 18 years of age. Jayde, who is by all accounts a lesbian, said, “They push religion as far as possible, removing us from this present reality and relatives who don’t accept.” “We learned about Elizabeth’s demise in the cruelest manner conceivable, which was miserable. With such countless inquiries left unanswered, we need to confront the brutal truth that individuals who ought to have safeguarded her didn’t, and we might in all likelihood never know the entire story “she composed.

Instead of giving Elizabeth Rose Struhs the insulin she needed to survive, the church members prayed for God to intervene.

— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) July 6, 2022

Jayde began a GoFundMe page to get cash so she can really focus on her more youthful kin. She completed secondary school, plays sports locally, and lives with her accomplice Emma in Brisbane.