Raul Flores Jr., 29, and his girl Brisenia Ylianna Flores, 9, were killed in a home intrusion on May 30, 2009, in Arivaca, Arizona.


Shawna Forde, Jason Eugene Bush, and Albert Gaxiola were the culprits; they were all essential for Forde’s vigilante nativist association, Minutemen American Defense (MAD).

Gina Gonzalez, the spouse and mother of the dead, drew in the gatecrashers in gunfire and injured Bush, however she figured out how to get away from the assault.

Who Was Gina Gonzalez Family? Gina Gonzalez had her significant other, Raul Flores, and her girl, Brisenia, in her family, and she was additionally in the house at the hour of the occurrence and was shot multiple times.

She pretended to be dead regardless lived. Gonzalez dialed 9-1-1 and equipped herself with her better half’s gun when the interlopers escaped the house.

Gonzalez was on the telephone when the interlopers got back to the house. Gonzalez drew in them in fire, striking Bush in the leg.

The killers then ran off. Gonzalez named the assailants as being two people and a white lady. She named Bush the professional killer who killed her better half and youngsters.

Hedge’s leg was treated by MAD part Chuck Stonex the day following the killings. Afterward, Stonex affirmed for the indictment at the preliminary.

It is felt that Albert Robert Gaxiola of Arivaca, Arizona, gave the M.A.D. Data on drug movement in the district.

Data On Gina Gonzalez Death And Murder Case Gina Gonzalez gave her all to give equity to her girl and spouse after their homicide and passing preliminary in court.

At the hour of her passing, Brisenia was a third-grader at the Sopori Elementary School in Amado, Arizona. A 12-year-old little girl of the Flores was at her grandma’s home in Sahuarita at the hour of the episode.

Forde’s capital punishment was delivered by the jury after much pondering, as indicated by Angie Thomas. The choice was impacted fundamentally by a photograph of Brisenia shown during the preliminary.

Gonzalez guaranteed that as her girl asked for her life, she was shot dead in the head. Albert Gaxiola, Forde, and Bush were totally viewed as at real fault for the killings.

Every one of the three assailants were viewed as at fault for homicide in 2011. Gaxiola was given a lifelong incarceration without the chance of delivery, while Forde and Bush got capital punishment.

The case was examined in the main account of the episode “Passing Knock” of the Investigation Discovery series Deadly Women. The account is related according to Forde’s point of view, remaining consistent with the program’s title.

What has been going on with Gina Gonzalez? Shawna Forde and her accessories entered Gina Gonzalez’s home on the misrepresentation that they were cops chasing after outlaws.

The suspects expected to find money and medications that may be utilized to pay for Forde’s Minutemen American Defense (MAD), a vigilante nativist association that watched Arizona’s boundary with Mexico.

At the point when they found no medications, the intruders held onto some modest gems and shot Raul Flores Jr., 29, and his girl, Brisenia Ylianna Flores, nine, to death.

Jason Eugene Bush migrated to Sandpoint, Idaho, following his delivery from jail in 2003 and remained there until 2007. He might have been associated with two further homicides that occurred in 1997.

Forde had different experiences with the police prior to being arrested for the twofold manslaughter. As per court reports, she invested energy in adolescent detainment communities subsequent to getting numerous offenses for taking, robbery, and prostitution.