Mr Evans has been a piece of the Calgary Colts association since its arrangement in 1965, filling in as General Manager from 1969 to 2019.

CFL: Who Was Keith Evans? Calgary Colts Founder Keith Evens was the organizer and the biggest ally of Calgary Colts. Truth be told, we were totally lamented to learn of Honorable Members Keith Evans’ demise. Keith was drafted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame as an individual from the Calgary Colts Junior Football Teams from 1989 to 1990.

The Calgary Colts affirmed the demise of their author and biggest ally, Keith Evans, with significant lament and profound distress. Mr Evans gave critical time and monetary penances to keep up with the drawn out suitability of Junior Football in Calgary over his 55-year volunteer commitment.

Keith Evans Death Cause: How Did He Die? At the hour of distributing, the reason for death was muddled. Our contemplations and supplications are with the perished’s loved ones. At this horrendous second, our hearts go out to Keith Evans’ companions and admirers.

Keith Evans’ tribute and burial service will be distributed at the earliest opportunity. Our contemplations and supplications are with the perished’s loved ones.

The Calgary Junior Colts Football Association, the Canadian Junior Football League, and the chronicled advancement of junior football are totally respected by Mr. Evans’ commitment, devotion, initiative, and soul of chipping in.

— CFL Headlines (@CFL_Headlines) March 1, 2022

Keith Evans Age And Wikipedia Keith Evans was at 55 years old to 60 years of age at the hour of his death. Considering his misfortune, companions, associates, authorities, and veterans have sent sympathies and accolades for his loved ones.

Everybody will miss him colossally. His responsibility and giving up of one’s own priorities in protecting junior football are extraordinary.

Mr Evans has kept an unobtrusive, unassuming relationship with the Calgary Colts and the Canadian Junior Football League all through his extensive vocation. The decorations and acknowledgment he acquired bear witness to his critical commitments to Canadian junior football.