Fadlallah, a mother of 48, and Amneh al-Hazouri, otherwise called Amy, matured 39, were gunned down in their vehicle in Hendy Avenue, Panania. Specialists think it was a designated death due to Fadlallah’s past relationship with Helal Safi.


Helal Safi was found dead in his loft on Stapleton Street Pendle Hill in Sydney in January 2021. Neighbors had heard somebody, probably Safi, yelling for help around 4 AM.

At the point when the paramedics showed up at the ghastly scene, the crisis staff found the 45-yer-old who gauged a robust 200 kg oblivious and lethargic. The crisis work force couldn’t restore Safi and specialists laid out his condo as a crime location and held onto a few things, including drug stuff, from the spot.

Safi was a critical player in the Sydney hidden world who related with hoodlums and bikies, Australian shoptalk for a biker posse. Safi was an individual from the King Cross bikie who once endure being wounded multiple times while in prison in 2010, which left him in a trance like state for a very long time.

As per the police, Safi had simply made due because of his size. Safi had a ton of foes, and it appears as though after a year, individuals who were once near him are as yet taking care of his transgressions.

Who Is Lamettah Fadlallah? Helal Safi’s Former Girlfriend Shot Dead In Sydney

Lametta Fadlallah is the previous sweetheart of late King Cross bikie part Helal Safi and the previous spouse of Telopea St Gang part Shadi Derbas.

Fadlallah has been associated with the underground world for her whole grown-up life. An underground source who realized Fadlallah told the Daily Telegraph, “She ran with the terrible young men, addressed the cost.”

A similar source expressed that she was vigorously put resources into the pack life and would convey weapons for the young men, give explanations when required, and was killed exactly as a result of her relationship with hoodlums. The source likewise portrayed her as savage.

Fadlallah was engaged with the pack life basically since the 1990s when she wedded Shadi Derbas, a fundamental individual from the Telopea St Grang, while in her mid twenties. Specialists got and sentenced Derbas in 2000 for frustrating homicide examinations over the demise of two men shot dead by hoodlum Michael Kannan outside the Five Dock Hotel in 1998. The killed men were Adam Wright and MAre you interestedle.

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The noticeable quality of the Telopea St Gang brought about a large part of the road pack culture that is causing destruction in the city of Western Sydney today. After Derbas, Fadlallah was involved with Helal Safi in an odd couple-trade circumstance as Derbas is presently hitched to Safi’s previous sweetheart.

Fadlallah’s demise flags a changing tide in regards to the exercises of Sydney’s road posses. The death implies the typical rule of no ladies and youngsters has been totally tossed out. The police are exceptionally concerned.

What has been going on with Lametta Fadlallah? Lametta Fadlallah and her companion and stylist Amy Hazouri were outside her home when they were shot with twelve projectiles.

Fadlallah and Hazouri were sitting in the secondary lounge of a Toyota 4WD external her home on Hendy St, Panania in West Sydney on a Saturday night. In the front were a 16-year-old young lady and a 20-year-elderly person, who endure when one more vehicle pulled up and showered the secondary lounge of Fadlallah’s vehicle with twelve slugs terminated through the window.

— The RED HEART Campaign (@campaign_rh) August 15, 2022

Fadlallah and Hazouri were killed in a flash, and despite the fact that Fadlallah’s passing was purposeful, Hazouri was essentially at a tough spot. Hazouri was a straightforward beautician who worked at a salon in Bankstown. She likewise had a Tiktok page loaded up with clasps of her grinning and moving to Middle Eastern Music.

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However her careful relationship with Fadlallah is obscure, specialists feel that they were companions and they were setting out toward a night out before the shooting happened. The police expressed that they would persevere relentlessly to get the culprit.

Lametta Fadlallah Muder Case Update Lametta Fadlallah’s death is the latest one in a line of pack related killings.

In the beyond two years, 14 execution-style killings have occurred in the country as different Middle Eastern wrongdoing packs are competing for control of the medication exchange that was upset on account of the pandemic. Fadlallah was the very most recent casualty in this bigger conflict.

The main killing occurred on August 29, 2020, and from that point forward there has been another killing each and every other month or so with not even ladies, kids, and families being saved. Police think this is the most merciless group related binge of violations throughout the entire existence of Australia.