It alludes to the school cop John Painter and grounds wellbeing official JJ Jefferson.

The offender or the shooter was gotten, confined, and kept in authority according to the reports by Virginia Police Department.

— Bill Bratton (@CommissBratton) February 2, 2022

Police characterized that the two men were the closest friends at the school and John Painter was additionally ordered or alloted the Best Man on JJ Jefferson,s marriage which was held a year ago.

Alexander Wyatt Campbell, who has been accused of four lawful offense accusations was recognized by the exploring lead as the shooter.

Whenever the two officials were accounted for to report where dubious action was being held, Wyatt of Ashland, Virginia terminated at the two officials, mortally injuring them.

News: Who Was Officer JJ Jefferson? JJ Jefferson was the grounds security official appointed to Bridgewater College, where he succumbed to the lethal shooting.

He and school cop John Painter were the two expired officials from the Bridgewater shooting episode.

As indicated by the law division, John was outfitted when he answered to the district of dubious movement.

Be that as it may, JJ Jefferson was unarmed and hence a lethal shooting brought about the end of both vigorous officials.

Alexander Wyatt Campbell was 27 years of age guilty party of the wrongdoing.

He attempted to run away from the wrongdoing area at the school by walking and had a go at disappearing to a close by island by swimming the water.

He was sought after by the power and pursued to the spot close to streams where he was captured.

His capture came around 30 minutes after the underlying shooting at around 1:30 pm on Tuesday.

Find out About Bridgewater College Shooting Victim Details Bridgewater College shooting casualties were two officials doled out for law orders on the grounds.

Cop John Painter and grounds security official JJ Jefferson were the two casualties of the wrongdoing.

Just official John Painter had a gun working while JJ Jefferson reacted to the alarm call unarmed.

They were shot by the 27 years of age Alexander Wyatt Campbell who was supposed to be available at some unacceptable spot around then.,

Who Was Active Shooter Alexander Wyatt Campbell? Dynamic shooter Alexader Wyatt Campbell was a 27 years of age criminal from Ashland of Virginia.

He was captured around 30 minutes after the taking shots at Bridgewater College.

he has been accused of four counts of accuses of capital homicide, illicit ownership of gun and others.